List and Brief Description of Subjects

This area covers practical spelling, grammar, and composition.
Covers passages readings, statistics and maps of the geography of the continents. Also topics of history, politics, behavioral sciences and economics.
This subject studies the composition of the cell, invertebrates, the plant world, the human system, the Periodic Table of elements, chemistry and physics.
Here the epicenter is the reading of popular literature and, to a lesser extent, classical books of universal literature. Although it will be highlighted: Essays, Commentaries and articles on literature and art, emphasizing the live of important Hispanic American authors and literary texts.
This subject is divided into 3 parts; arithmetic, algebra and geometry, covering topics such as Whole Numbers, fractions, decimals, powers, roots, percentages, equations, polynomials, areas, volumes and perimeters, among others topics.
For the teaching of the subjects, this modality of study is supported by the book: Inglés para Conversar; By Aguilar. In this book, the author employs a pedagogical method using an exciting story of love and actions as the guiding thread of the units.
Here the student finds more than 1500 dialogues and conversations, which illustrative frequently used words and phrases, to help in the rapid assimilation of basic English. It also finds more than 1500 expressions and dialogues from real life in the United States, more than 100 exercises with autocorrection, dozens of tricks to learns English, more than 100 fundamental concepts of practical use of the language, more than 800 dialogues from everyday situations, more 700 grouped words, more than 50 vocabulary topics, more than 500 commonly used verb phrases, more than 2500 translations and 30 articles of American customs. The dictionary also contains more than 1200 vocabulary topics, more than 2500 translations and 30 articles about American customs.
In addition to the previous course, this modality of baccalaureate uses another English audio course with a special nuance: daily living mathematical vocabulary.
Learning you Be Enlisa; this is a program created by; California Language Labs.
Although the purpose of this course is to train the person with the basics of conversational English, it also emphasizes teaching a vocabulary of mathematical terms, for use in daily life or to take formal courses in a classroom. This feature is very rare in a traditional English class, and it is necessary to highlight that this audiobook does not teach the subject of mathematics at all. In this course, the exercise schemes enable the student to hold basic conversations about daily life common and everyday mathematics terms, which are used in: business conversations within a bank, inside a supermarket and to do personal business.
For the teaching of this subject, the baccalaureate in Audio study modality uses the book “Computers for everyone” By Jaime A. Restrepo, which was audio conditioned by the US Library of Congress, exclusively for use blind people. Obviously the program called: “Jaws for Window”, created by Freedom Scientific, will also be part of this class, although the focus of this course is on teaching: typing for blind people, MS Word, Excel and Outlook.
The main objective is to teach the student to develop skills to write literary essays.
to cover this subject, they will offer cycling, swimming and martial arts classes. The student may take one of them or all three, because in these sports the physical space of the person who practices it cannot be invaded, as it happens in other sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc.