Time have changed

Until before the invention of the call phone, a letter took a month to go from one country to another; now it takes a minute.

To get our favorite song, it was necessary to go through many music stores and buy a group of songs that we did not like, all this just to buy our favorite; now we have YouTube and this is just one of the many options.

Someone wrote a book and spent the rest of his life to promote it and the savings of many years of his life too; now Amazon, Google, Apple and Barnes Noble, through social networks do this in one day and much cheaper for the writer. In addition, the book goes further and royalties reach the author faster and without intermediaries.

Obviously, technology has also permeated the dynamics to study.

From the 13th century to the 18th century approximately, the baccalaureate degree was the first level within a university career and empowered the person to practice a profession without having to complete the entire university curriculum.

Until 1953, the baccalaureate consisted of 7 courses, and although they were taught in college and universities, the baccalaureate exam could only be taken within a university, which only consisted of a written and an oral exam, because there were few students. It is at this time that the baccalaureate is divided into two parts: elementary baccalaureate and superior baccalaureate.

The first consisted of a 4 courses called: First, Second, Third, and Fourth. The second course was called: fifth and sixth. For both courses, a validation exam had to be taken at an official center under the Ministry of Education. At the same time, there was the labor or technical baccalaureate, which was created in 1949, specifically for students with short-term professional interests.

Preuniversity course. Initially it was a course to prepare students for university, but it failed because its scheme consisted of offering very intense topics in areas that varied each year; as a car mechanic in relation to physics, or doing an essay on the first and second parts of Don Quixote de la Mancha; this required teachers to specializse4 in subjects that they could not teach the following year. Therefore, this scheme was replaced by standard to augment the high school curriculum.

In 1970, the logistics for offering the baccalaureate were restructured, in order to bring the educational scheme closer to university education and reduce the momentum that their baccalaureate modality was taking, as it was known in some countries; it was also called as technical baccalaureate in others.

Later another reform would arrive to consolidate the concept of baccalaureate into one, because for a long time it was divided into two levels; the first covered the first 4 years and the second covered the last two years. Therefore, although the changes that the baccalaureate scheme has had have been very transcendental, it should be noted that its backbone has always been: social sciences, health science, art, and technology.


Baccalaureate Modalities.

Although the Ministry of education offers a common framework for all high school students, the logistic for its development depend on the autonomous communities, which can offer secondary education in: night, evening, Saturday and distance high school.

You attend the school that belongs to our affiliate directory, to take exams, and it is that school that awards you your high school diploma.

We have specialized in proving the academic knowledge that the Ministry of Education has indicated for high school graduates, and we want to take our educational structure through the internet.

To these modalities that have been consolidated over time, we now want to offer ours.

From the appearance of the first school, to the present; going to high school has been a process of several years; it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.

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Courses photo
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Now you can validate it according to your time and hourly availability, and obtain the degree in one of the institutions that belongs to our directory of affiliates, using advanced educational support platforms from home: www.ged.com, www.chegg.com, www.slader.com, www.khanacademy.org, etc.

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